PETER PAN - Filming Day 4
Today's shoot was incredibly short: just two hours long including dress up and dress down. It didn't take long at all because we were...
Today's shoot was incredibly short: just two hours long including dress up and dress down. It didn't take long at all because we were...
Today was the first shoot on the pirate ship. The cars were packed with equipment but we managed to squeeze the boys in around it and...
Makeup is not my thing. BUT, it is my sister Lauren's thing. The scary part of this equation is that my sister is leaving for school in a...
We've spent weeks looking for a pirate ship. We thought about asking the Renaissance Festival if we could use their life-size vessel,...
Today we did all the scenes in the Captain’s Cabin. We’ve had the cabin set up in our basement for about a week now, and every time we...
Scenes: Welcome to Neverland, Shoot the Wendy Bird, and The Bedtime Story What a wonderful day. I made the rounds and picked up five of...
This hideout represents two days of very hard work. The first day I cleaned out the shed and the next I built the hideout inside. I...
Here a little, there a little, we are finalizing the costumes. For the longest time, we've had boxes in the basement labeled "Pirates," ...
Isn't it beautiful? I wanted something angelic for Wendy to wear. I know it's just a nightgown, but she's basically the only girl in ...
Costumes! It's one of the favorite parts of film prep. I always set aside a chunk of our budget for costumes just because it's just too...
As you can imagine, with a film like Peter Pan, there are a lot of special effects: flying, fairies, pixie dust, etc. And that means lots...
Auditions are over and I am proud to announce our official cast list:
Well, it might be premature, but I'm getting ancy. I went outside today and lopped off eight green branches in our treeline. My brother ...
Peter Pan is the first film where we've had a real honest-to-goodness screenplay. For "Safe & Sound," we just typed up the lyrics to the ...
The best part of any video is (of course) the blooper-reel and the Princess Bride produced A LOT of outtakes. Put Vizzini, Westley, ...
This year, I (Rachel) was out of state at university when my cousins made their annual visit, so I didn't get to help shoot this film. I...
When Princess Buttercup is kidnapped by the three most wanted men in the kingdom, she has little hope for rescue. That is, until a...
It is impossible to pack a month's worth of planning, preparing and filming into a single less-than-ten-minute video, but we sure did our...
The first question people ask when they see this video is always: "Is this a true story?" And the answer to that is, "Yes, sort of." We...
Twenty-four Kids-on-Fire filming a movie for eight hours straight means A LOT OF OUTTAKES. We laughed a ton while making this...