We got SO many auditions. It was fantastic! Not only did we have more people auditioning, but every kid sent in two or three each. Their excitement makes me excited. We finally sat down and watched them today. We filmed ourselves and below, you'll see some of our reactions as we watched. It was incredible how well everyone did.
My favorite was seeing new (and younger) people auditioning for the first time. And, best of all, I loved hearing brothers and sisters and friends filming and speaking the parts in the background. Thank you to everyone who didn’t audition but helped someone else (Lori, I’m looking at you!).
As we watched, we were moved and entertained and thoroughly impressed. It was obvious how much work and preparation went into learning the parts and practicing beforehand. Thank you to everyone for working so hard! It really paid off.
The only problem with all this talent is that we have no cast list to post. I know you are all eager to know the verdict, but we are begging four more days. Of the ten parts, we have cast four of them. For the remaining six, we called the kids and issued a callback.
This is the first time Kids on Fire has performed callbacks, but I'm excited to see how the kids interact together and if they can adjust the performance on demand. We'll find out tomorrow!