Look at this cutie! She melts my heart.
Can you believe it? Today, almost a year after our first scene, I filmed our very last scene. This one was so late in coming because (1) it got too cold to film and we had to wait for spring, and (2) I couldn't find a viking-looking window. I needed something without glass preferably set in brick or stone or wooden walls and I just couldn't find anything that worked. WELL, it was my little brother who located this window in a friend's barn and it was perfect.
They let us set up a little viking bedroom inside and hang our green screen outside and we filmed the scene where Linda (Little Blondie [who is becoming more and more of a brunette]) gets woken up by the Flightmare and screams. She did an excellent job! We the same sequence about fifteen times to get all the angles I needed and she screamed for every single one.
Thank you Linda! Thank you all for a great filming season . . . now It's time to EDIT!