Look at all this amazing fan art! Our cast aren't just talented actors, they're talented painters, sculptors, carvers, and everything else under the sun. Have a look.
BY LAUREN - This acrylic painting is gorgeous. Toothless and Hiccup soar in front of a burning inferno (or sunset or nebula . . . I'm not sure). What a beautiful work of art!
BY MASON - In the sketch, Astrid and Hiccup soar on Toothless's back, experiencing movie magic as green screen becomes Berk. What a creative work of art! The sculpture of Astrid and the Toothless-on-a-spoon is also by Mason. There isn't a medium that he hasn't mastered.
BY MIRIAM - Both of these silhouette watercolor paintings were done by our very own Astrid: Hiccup and Astrid ride Toothless high above Berk and Astrid stands next to her own dragon Stormfly (who won't make an appearance in our movie . . . sadly). Maybe if we make a second, we'll add a Stormfly :)
BY MATTHEW - This drawing of Hiccup and Toothless was sketched by Matthew, It's crazy how lifelike Toothless's eyes are . They BOTH look like they're staring into my soul. Matthew plays Stoic in our film and we couldn't be more excited to have him back.
BY ANONYMOUS - A couple of our cast members said I could put their artwork online if I kept them anonymous. Named or not, their artwork is amazing!
BY RACHEL S - Yes, even I'm getting into the artistic spirit of things. I'm so excited to get this movie off the ground. Come warm weather, we'll be having dragons overhead and vikings underfoot. I can't wait.